Jumat, 25 April 2014

artikel bahasa inggris bisnis 2

PLN to not pay dividends due to weakening rupiah
State-run electric company PT Perusahaan Listrik Negara (PLN) is not going to pay out dividends to the government as it suffered a huge net loss last year.
"This is because of [rupiah against US dollar] rate changes," PLN president director Nur Pamudji said at the Economic Coordinating Ministry office in Jakarta on Friday as quoted by kompas.com.
Nur said that he had reported the dividend issue to the central government.
PLN suffered a Rp 29.4 trillion (US$2.52 billion) net loss last year due to the weak rupiah, thus increasing the firm's power purchasing price.

Comment :
i think all  it to happening because Losses to The state company has to pay the loan in foreign currency from a number of agencies amid weak international  exchange rupiah against the U.S. dollar . Operating profit of PLN continues improved . 2008 new business profit of Rp 3.6 trillion and Rp 34.7 trillion in 2013 . however , due to foreign exchange losses , PLN experience losses at the end of 2013 before the audited Rp 30.9 trillion . Because about 30 percent of the debt PLN dominated debt in foreign currency , the Another loan from the Asian Development Bank ( ADB ) , World Bank , and the financial institutions of one country , for example, the Bank of Japan to Work International same . during the investment growth PLN closed with debt . The data mentioned , the current debt Long-term PLN Rp 220 trillion , while the PLN's total debt , both long-term debt nd short-term , per December 31, 2013 reached Rp 466 trillion . Meanwhile , the company aims to invest in 2014 Rp 57.54 trillion , lower than the target investment 2013 of Rp 64.9 trillion . " The decline in the target due to reduced ability of PLN . It is between because electricity rates rose only partially , operating margin was not enough so the ability borrowing is reduced .